Chiropractic treatment offers an alternative to surgery for treating shoulder pain. It seeks to reduce pain and improve mobility by emphasizing the musculoskeletal system’s natural alignment.

What Is The Cause Of Shoulder Pain?

The shoulder joint is complex. This means that there can be various causes of shoulder pain. Here are some common causes of shoulder pain:

  • Frozen pain: Frozen shoulder, also known as adhesive capsulitis, develops when the connective tissue around the shoulder joint thickens and constricts. This often happens after an injury that temporarily restricts shoulder mobility.
  • Pinched nerve: Nerves can become compressed or pinched when there are mechanical issues with your neck or the shoulder joint. This can cause pain, numbness and tingling in the hands, arms and shoulder.
  • Dislocated shoulder(s): Dislocated shoulders, in which the upper arm bone separates from its socket, are common in contact sports. While this frequently results in immediate discomfort, it may also cause numbness if nerves are affected.
  • Arthritis: Osteoarthritis is a type of degenerative arthritis. Rheumatoid arthritis is a type of arthritis associated with autoimmune diseases. Whatever the underlying cause, arthritis has the potential to cause swelling and pain in the shoulder, which can reduce a person’s range of motion.
  • Rotator cuff injury: A rotator cuff injury can range in severity from minor discomfort to a complete tear and can be caused by sudden trauma or by the gradual breakdown of muscles from mechanical strain. The most common cause of shoulder pain are rotator cuff injuries.
  • Tendonitis: Shoulder tendonitis refers to a specific type of inflammation and irritation that affects the biceps or rotator cuff tendons. Both professional athletes who frequently perform the same movements during practice or competition and people whose jobs require repetitive movements frequently experience this.
  • Shoulder bursitis:Shoulder bursitis is often noticed at the point where the humerus meets the glenoid cavity. It happens when the fluid-filled capsule surrounding the shoulder becomes irritated or inflamed.

Chiropractic Care For Shoulder Pain

Chiropractic care for shoulder pain involves different techniques that may include the following…

#1 Alignment

Spinal adjustments are one of the common techniques chiropractors use to treat shoulder pain. Chiropractors effectively realign the spine to relieve pressure on the nerves and muscles that play a key role in shoulder discomfort. These changes have the potential to increase the range of motion in the shoulder joint and also help to lessen inflammation, a common cause of pain.

Furthermore, chiropractors use these manipulations to address the underlying causes of shoulder pain, providing a comprehensive strategy to bring balance to the musculoskeletal system. This method aims to improve overall shoulder comfort and function over the long term in addition to temporarily reducing the pain.

#2 Myofascial Release

Shoulder Pain

Myofascial release focuses on releasing the complex connective tissue that surrounds and supports muscles. This method seeks to relieve restrictions and imbalances within the myofascial system. It helps in promoting improved muscle mobility and general function. It does this by methodically applying pressure and gentle stretching to affected areas.

Particularly for people suffering from persistent conditions like chronic pain, migraines and muscle tension, this form of treatment has proven to be effective. By expertly manipulating myofascial networks, chiropractors aim to alleviate pain by addressing the underlying complexities that contribute to discomfort.


#3 Targeted Stretching & Strengthening

Shoulder Pain

In many cases shoulder pain is caused by tightness and muscular weakness in the complex network of muscles that support the shoulder joint. Chiropractic experts use a specialized approach that combines precise stretching and focused strengthening exercises to reduce pain by improving the overall function of these important muscle groups.

Also, systematic stretching gently lengthens and relaxes the muscles that surround the shoulder joint, which not only increases the range of motion but also helps to reduce pain. Incorporating specific strengthening exercises strengthens these muscles and improves their ability to maintain stability and distribute loads– and as a result, long-lasting relief and better shoulder health are promoted.

#4 Ultrasound

Ultrasound therapy is a useful technique used in chiropractic care to reduce pain and improve joint function. Based on sound wave technology, ultrasound waves can penetrate deeply into body tissues and deliver controlled heat. Increasing blood circulation and reducing inflammation are both facilitated by this warmth infusion. This dual action not only helps to reduce pain but also makes it possible to have a wider range of motion. An additional benefit of ultrasound therapy is its potential to activate the release of endorphins, the body’s natural painkiller to promote a multifaceted approach to pain management and healing.

#5 Electronic Stimulation

Electrical stimulation is becoming a popular method for reducing pain and promoting healing. This therapeutic method uses low-voltage electrical currents that are carefully controlled to stimulate the complex nervous system of the body.

Chiropractors can trigger the release of endorphins, the body’s natural painkillers, by expertly manipulating these currents. Beyond its endorphin-related effects, electrical stimulation is known for its ability to improve blood flow and reduce inflammation, strengthening the course of overall healing.

#6 Graston Technique

The Graston Technique is a therapeutic approach that shows promise for decreasing inflammation, increasing range of motion and reducing pain. Its main focus is dealing with a variety of ailments, including tendonitis, carpal tunnel syndrome and plantar fasciitis, among other issues.

By utilizing the Graston Technique, chiropractors pinpoint and treat these conditions. Also, this fosters a holistic approach that helps in both symptomatic relief and the body’s natural ability to heal and regain balance.


Without the need for surgical procedures, chiropractic care offers a promising route to relieve shoulder pain. This non-invasive approach focuses on improving joint function, reducing inflammation and supporting the body’s natural healing mechanisms. It uses methods like spinal adjustments, myofascial release and modalities like ultrasound and electrical stimulation to provide long-lasting relief from shoulder pain.